Could you imagine what it would be like to go through your entire day in a cloud of chemicals and pollution? You would be coughing at the grocery store, gagging in your kitchen and gasping for air in the office. Unfortunately, this isn’t a theoretical situation. Poor air quality is an issue that impacts the lives of many individuals. Wherever you are, the air that you breathe will come into your body and bring everything floating around with it. Just because you’re inside, doesn’t mean that you’re safe. Here are some other indoor air quality facts you should know!
Indoor Air Quality Facts You Should Know
Fact 1: Harmful chemicals are found everywhere inside
Furniture, air fresheners and candles can all contribute to releasing dangerous fumes into your home’s air. Certain flame-retardant chemicals used to protect furniture have been known to weaken your body’s health. The scents found in both candles and air fresheners can also be toxic. Looking for different wax sources – like soy and beeswax – can be an easy solution to relieve some of the poison from the air.
Fact 2: The EPA ranks indoor air pollution as a Top 5 environmental danger
The Environmental Protection Agency has consistently found that indoor air contains nearly five times the number of air pollutants than outdoor air. In fact, there have even been accounts of air quality indoors being 100 times worse inside than outside! This is primarily because sources of pollution can be found everywhere in our homes. The most commonly discovered sources of indoor air pollution include building materials, chemical products, organic matter and outdoor air pollution that makes its way indoors.
Fact 3: Secondhand smoke is one of the top indoor air pollutants
With over 200 different kinds of poison, secondhand smoke is commonly believed to be one of the worst indoor air pollutants, according to the American Cancer Society. It also includes at least 60 chemicals attributed to causing cancer. This danger impacts more than just those that smoke. Every year, nonsmokers account for 3,500 lung cancer deaths and 42,000 heart disease deaths. Keeping secondhand smoke trapped inside of a poorly ventilated home directly impacts your health.
Fact 4: Poor indoor air quality damages more than your respiratory system
Most of the pollutants that you find in your home are considered to be fine or ultra-fine particles. This means that they are easily breathed into your body and dispersed throughout your bloodstream. Dry eyes, headaches, nasal congestion, fatigue and even nausea could all be potential side effects to having poor indoor quality.
If you’re interested in improving the quality of your home’s indoor air, contact the heating and cooling experts at Edwards Royal Comfort today!
Edwards Royal Has the Right Air Cleaner for Your Home. Contact Us Today!
We hope you found these indoor air quality facts helpful and interesting, if not a little bit worrying!
At Edwards Royal Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing, we want to help our customers achieve optimal comfort in their homes and keep their ventilation systems running efficiently through all seasons. We provide air quality testing in homes to see if you can benefit from an air cleaner. Let our knowledgeable team inspect, clean and repair your heating and cooling systems to keep your home – and air – safe and clean. Contact Edwards Royal Comfort and schedule your appointment today to take the first step to improve indoor air quality!